Meddle Not

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 24:21 KJV

My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:

Today’s write up was birth from a revelation ihlcc had when studying this specific scripture. The thought that was conveyed to her was that this specific verse was addressing all people who are contrary to the king. In our current state of affairs we find many people against the President of the United States of America and they don’t stop with him because they also typically find fault with the whole leadership of this nation. Now we (ihlcc) are so glad that God’s Word has already addressed this issue because we can always find comfort, direction (instruction) and truth inside the Holy Word of God. First, notice in this single verse that the wise king (Solomon) didn’t mention the decision making of the king, nor does this scripture mention what type of king is in office. That means whether it is a good king or an evil king the overlaying principle doesn’t change. Whether it is a wise king or a foolish king is of no significance for this principle. The thought is all about what you are supposed to do concerning your God given king. Yes, we (ihlcc) will say that again, “It really doesn’t matter what type of king (president, prime minister, top leader, highest ranking official, etc…) is in office we are to submit to their leadership while they are in office and especially if we are a citizen of that government.” Why? One may ask, “It is for the sole purpose of pleasing God by submitting to His System of Government.” Therefore according to God’s Word we are supposed to be submitted to those in authority over us. Remember Romans 13:1-2 MKJV which states, “Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities. For there is no authority but of God; the authorities that exist are ordained by God. So that the one resisting the authority resists the ordinance of God; and the ones who resist will receive judgment to themselves.” This puts the responsibility of being in line with our very own government squarely upon our own shoulders (each and every citizen and including all Christian citizens too). Although it is very easy to complain about our president and the government it is not pleasing to God because we are complaining about His (The Lord’s) established system for government. Please understand oh Child of God that the system could be great and wonderful even if the people are not. So be wise and don’t mix up God’s overall plan (desire) for government as being bad when you have certain people who might not accurately represent God in every decision they make. We notice very strongly here in the United States of America people, yes, even Christians, yes even some Christians in God’s leadership as full time ministers speak evil of the President. They boldly and consistently voice their personal displeasure with the President based upon what they truly believe in their heart that he (or it could be a she) is not doing right according to God’s Word. These many ministers and many Christians are foolishly (unwisely) complaining about the government (or the leader) and our God. They do this without realizing that they are working against God when they work against His ordained leader. Yes, we (ihlcc) said God too, because if you notice today’s verse the two are summed together by the word “and”. Today’s scripture states in the King James Version, “My son (and daughter included), fear (respect) thou the Lord and the king:” The implication is we are a team and this especially holds true when you think that God allows and established the king, president or any leader over a nation. Now if you take the position that God has nothing to do with our elected officials than you are contrary to Psalms 75:6-7 KJV which states, “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” As responsible Christians we can’t play both sides of fence because either we are submitted to God’s Word or we are not. A lot of believers want to complain about our government and king in the Name of the Lord Jesus when a leader might violate a specific scripture but they too miss God by walking outside of love and at the same time walking contrary to God’s Word on this subject. Yes, a leader could be contrary to a certain instruction of the Lord Jesus but many Christians are contrary to certain scriptures too. This is why we pray for the king, for his safety and preservation and our own personal benefit of understanding God’s heart for that specific individual and our righteousness by following God’s Word to pray for (not complain about) our leaders. If you try to build doctrine around your own personal beliefs instead of God’s Word you for sure will be blinded by the errors (darkness) of your ways. Certainly God’s Word is the only Light that shows up every man’s sins evenly and accurately. Does this mean that we are in agreement with everything thing the king states absolutely not but it does mean we respect him (or her) enough to not speak evil of them publicly to man or even privately to God. Government is God’s ordained system of unity to keep people under the same rules and regulations for centralized harmony and peace. For God’s system to work properly the gracious Lord partners with His Ordained leader to encourage, support and aid them (that leader) when they attempt to follow God’s Will while they are in that office. Does this mean that every man (or woman) who is a leader always obeys God? assuredly not, but we don’t believe every Christian on this earth obeys God in everything they do either. Thus, mercy always prevails over judgment according James 2:13. If we really want to act like Jesus Christ why wouldn’t we be willing be to merciful to people and be respectful to God’s Offices? This is solely because it is easier to publically complain about things that don’t go our way than to privately pray for that leader in love and faith (nothing doubting). If we believe the best about our leaders we would speak that best belief unto God and our fellowman. Of course if we did that (love them, pray for them in faith) we (ihlcc) believe that would be acting just like Jesus Christ which we will admit is not always the most easiest thing to do but it is always the right thing to do. Notice these three other versions of this scripture to prove that our (ihlcc) interpretation is not false doctrine but rather God’s revealed truth for all mankind to receive and obey. First - Proverbs 24:21 Good New Bible states, “Have reverence for the LORD, my child, and honor the king. Have nothing to do with people who rebel against them;” and secondly God’s Word version of verse 21, “Fear the LORD, my son. Fear the king as well. Do not associate with those who always insist upon change, and thirdly the Easy-to Read Version of the Holy Bible verse 21 – “Son, respect the LORD and the king, and don't join with those who are against them.” Therefore we beg you, oh precious child of God do not encourage those who openly speak evil about the leaders of this nation. Yes, don’t take sides with any political party such as republican, democrat and/or any independent person who insists on putting down the current president, king, government leader by insult and complain because we are sure they are not following God’s Great Love and Mercy. How we (many Christians) can expect the blessing of God upon this nation when so many Christians are acting contrary to God’s Will is a mystery to us (ihlcc). We would hope that if others are doing wrong you would never partner with them in doing those wrongs. We (ihlcc) firmly believe you should always pray God’s Word over your leader (king, president, prime minister, etc…) and let God direct you into His Love for that ordained leader. Thus, your problem should never be with a certain man, woman or political party but rather there should not be any personal offenses concerning other people within any Christian at all. So rejoice in the Lord and in the Power of His Might because only then will you maturely realize that we wrestle not against flesh and blood put wicked spirits that are contrary to God’s Will. So “meddle not” with the rebellious complainers of this world who are contrary to the Lord and the king because they know not that they are fighting against God and losing right now and maybe they will lose even more in the future. Amen!